Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Final 23 Things

Have had to whizz over the last few 23 things sections in order to finish. Has been a good course but found it difficult to find time as a part-timer.

Can see many areas for library use of applications eg. video podcasts of library classes??. Can feel more classes coming eg. Mashups or Online applications - google docs could be very useful for library customers for storing resumes, etc.

Have broadened my knowledge of web 2.0. Some of the areas I have already been using and am comfortable and confident in using, other areas still need more development and 23 things has made me aware that there is so much out there and is only going to continue - maybe next year we'll be doing 50 things.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I Used to Live in Hornsea

This is mostly an exercise to embed a video into my blog.

I was born in Dersingham, England, in 1967; a small country village not far from the Queen's estate at Sandringham. I lived there until I was 7, when we moved to a vilage in East Yorkshire (North Humberside) called Hornsea. I found a video on youtube, which is more a slideshow of pictures of Hornsea but it still gives you a good feel for the place I spent many of my formative years: 1974 - 1980. Unfortunately that video had embed disabled so heres a short video of the waves on the promenade. We used to do the same thing and used to get wet all the time:

Hornsea was a wonderful place to grow up, especially in those days, when children were more free to roam and play. Hornsea is a seaside, holiday destination and I have many fond memories of playing on the beach and walking the dog along the promenade.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Hmmm, Web 2.0 hey!

Who knew there was a second web, not me - even though I'm on Facebook already.

Seems like it's (Web 2.0) pretty cool stuff for communicating and sharing and lots of people have great ideas and are improving things all the time.

I kinda hope they leave at two webs though, don't think I can cope with anymore. Although I am enjoying this learning so far.